Saturday, April 11th at the Bike Kitchen (sacto) – free! •Java Lounge (sacto) on Saturday, May thirtieth, 2009 – last java lounge show! Friday, June nineteenth at Cesar Chavez Park (sacto) with Mr T Experience, The Enlows, Rebel Punk and DJ Whores – free! Friday, September thirtieth, 2005 on the Blue Lamp with Th’ Losing Streaks and extra. March thirtieth, 2013 at Old Ironsides with The Troublemakers and Shark. •OLD IRONSIDES 75TH ANNIVERSARY Show – NOV 28th (SAT) WITH TROUBLEMAKERS, WHIZ BANGS AND ONE Other. Shouting “We are one! Show begins at 5pm, there are 6 bands whole. Sybians are dual-space vibrators in the form of a clitoral stimulator and vaginal stimulator, designed to stimulate the 2 erogenous zones concurrently and independently. Two good blokes from Nelson’s Sawnoff have a chat about their sudden surge onto the excessive steel scene. Knowing they’ll talk about uncomfortable behavior they’ve skilled with you can provide them the boldness to come ahead and discuss what happened to them.
I reached Covey’s about 9 o’clock; and just as I used to be getting over the fence that divided Mrs. Kemp’s fields from ours, out ran Covey together with his cowskin, to give me one other whipping. The making of the report was interrupted by another legal battle over medicine, relationship again to their stay in France; a warrant for Richards’s arrest had been issued, and the other band members had to return briefly to France for questioning. Significant contributions to the study of dysgenesis have been made by Lynn, 1996 (see additionally: 2011) whose ebook Dysgenics: Genetic deterioration in modern populations offered the primary estimates of the magnitude of dysgenesis in Britain over a ninety 12 months period, placing the phenotypic loss at .069 points per year (about 1.7 factors a technology assuming a generational length of 25 years). Jan 21st, 2012 – did we’ve a show at the present time? February 1st, 2014 at Bows and Arrows – Nerd Night Day. •earth day fest in south side park – 1970 songs, kentucky rain, down on cripple creek, sugar magnolia. •Saturday, February 23rd on the Stag in Woodland with Rock the light, The Whiz Bangs, Oliver/Lauren/Lagners band and a few drunk guy in a corona jacket that joined in on the scat fest at the top.
•Saturday, August twenty fifth, San Francisco at the Thrillhouse Record Store basement (3422 Misson St) with The Unlovables, Nar, Vena Cava. •Friday, June 1st at Thrillhouse Records store/house/basement in San Francisco (3422 Misson St) with The Ergs! •July twenty third (sunday), Delta of Venus (122 B st., Davis) with The Ergs! •Sunday, August 26th, Delta of Venus in Davis with The Unlovables and Red Pony Clock, will probably be our native CD Release Show for our new CD. Many go on to lead profitable lives – but have said that they by no means fully leave the abuse they experienced behind and will undergo tough durations of their lives because of this. Everybody will get their little drink and smoke in. Free cds (the 4 eyes: sweet sounds or rock and position taking part in) to the first 34 those who pay to get in. •aug 22 (2008)fri Underground Railroad To Candyland (San Pedro), The Four Eyes (Sacramento), Banner Pilot (Minneapolis), People People at the Knockout, S.F.
Nov 26th at Luigi’s fungardern for the Sacramento Records fundraiser. •Knock Knock, The Four Eyes, Missouri Mule at Luigi’s Fun Garden in Sacramento. Rock and Roll with the 4 eyes tape. December 21st, 2013: The “20 years of The Four Eyes” 14th annual Xmas present. Fifth annual xmas present. Dec 20th, 2014 (Saturday) The fifteenth Annual Xmas Show at the same old spot! March 16th, 2014 – attainable early morning present to ‘race’ to! January 26th, 2014 at Bows and Arrows – The Beatles 1964/65 set. At the BottleRock Napa Valley music festival on May 26, 2018, Snoop Dogg, Warren G, Kendall Coleman, Kim Kaechele, and Michael Voltaggio set the Guinness World Record for the largest paradise cocktail. In May 2012, he led a group of advocates for LGBT causes in lobbying Congress in support of several items of laws, including the Healthy Families Act, which might enable identical-sex partners the same hospital visitation rights as married totally different-sex couples, and met with Iowa Sen. •Placerville on Friday, May 22nd, 2009 with boats and enlows. DEC seventeenth, FRIDAY, 7PM SHARP. Dec nineteenth at the loft. •Christmas show, Friday Dec 28th at Guphy’s house.